20 06 2024 | 10-17 h | Braunschweig
In two business game modules, we will jointly simulate a medium-sized company in crisis and go through different strategies for transformation. Lecture sequences convey basic knowledge.
Cost: 1250€ per person
Reference | “…thanks again for a great seminar…. I am already looking forward to the discussion with … [employees; author’s note]. A good seminar has the same effect as a dog in the park: In this case it is the welcome occasion for a conversation about our entrepreneurial situation, our North Star in production and the visualisation of planning.”
These kind words were spontaneously sent to us by the managing director of a medium-sized company after attending the transformation seminar together with two members of staff. We are of course very happy about his comment, because that is exactly what a successful change process needs: good and understandable communication.
20 6 2024 | 10-17 h | Braunschweig
In two business game modules, we will jointly simulate a medium-sized company in crisis and go through different strategies for transformation. Lecture sequences convey basic knowledge.
Costs: 1250€ per person
Reference | “…thanks again for a great seminar…. I am already looking forward to the discussion with … [employees; author’s note]. A good seminar has the same effect as a dog in the park: In this case it is the welcome occasion for a conversation about our entrepreneurial situation, our North Star in production and the visualisation of planning.”
These kind words were spontaneously sent to us by the managing director of a medium-sized company after attending the transformation seminar together with two members of staff. We are of course very happy about his comment, because that is exactly what a successful change process needs: good and understandable communication.
Transformation and Turnaround
Whether it is a global financial and economic crisis, a pandemic or the crisis of a local company – almost every manager and almost all employees will have to deal with the topic of crisis in the course of their professional lives; almost always in connection with drastic adjustment measures. In small and medium-sized enterprises, however, their own resources and competencies as well as liquid funds are rather limited compared to large corporations, and fresh capital is not so easy to collect. In order not to be simply overrun by crises, every entrepreneur and every manager should therefore know in advance: How do I recognise a crisis, what do I have to do in a crisis and above all: How do I really come out of a crisis stronger than before without it being just a phrase.
The challenge for a company is to quickly identify the right strategy with the necessary measures and then implement it consistently together. Successful crisis communication not only helps with the announcement of painful cuts, but also with the joint development of the packages of measures. One close to reality tool for strategy development and communication is the true-to-scale LEGO® business game. We invented it and have been able to use it in a wide variety of companies of different sizes, locations and cultures to set the decisive impulses for process and organisational change. Managers and employees intuitively understand their new function and role.
Our seminar with impulse lectures and business game sequences “In touch with transformation” is designed to give you an insight into how you can recognise and meet the current challenges in your company . You will see and experience it: Changes can release a lot of positive energy!
The seminar is held by Dr. Markus Hagen, Wolfgang Wolke, Dr. Armin Lohse
All three have accompanied the change initiatives of well-known companies and act from the wealth of experience of successfully implemented strategies. Benefit from their many years of experience in turnaround and agile organisational development. Dr. Markus Hagen advises companies such as Infineon and Miele on organisational development issues. He often makes these tangible with the help of Lego workshops. Wolfgang Wolke also uses Legos time and again to play through upcoming changes and make them visible. He has also used this method successfully for his own company. Dr. Armin Lohse is familiar with crisis management from his time at Alstom and SMA, among others. As a manager he was actively involved in change processes and therefore knows the stumbling blocks very well.
The seminar is suitable for Change Manager, Executives, CEOs who are looking for performance impact and want to change where it really makes sense.
There will be a minimum of six and a maximum of ten participants. You will receive seminar documents. Food and drinks will be provided. The costs are 1250€ per person. And now all that is missing is your registration.